Kay is a rabbit red dachshund girl that loves to sleep under the blankets - you won’t notice her until she starts to snore. She loves to have a nap with mom following her early morning walk.
She gives the best ‘good mornings’ and ‘welcome home’ greetings, as it seems she hasn't seen you for ages so all her unconditional love comes all at once. Kay is very smart and independent, and is not a fan of kids running around. She loves playing fetch, food and her agility time. Kay is extremely gentle and has no sense of personal space, being her favourite spot around mom's neck.
Rosin is a typical labrador: she's friendly, easygoing and energetic. She loves people and welcomes everyone with a wagging tail and lots of kisses. We often joke that if someone ever broke into our apartment Rosin wouldn't protect the home; instead, she'd be excited about the burglar because she's happy to meet someone new. As a typical lab, she could spend her days eating if we let her - she loves food. it makes training her easy because she's really motivated by treats. she's also a quick learner even though when you meet her it might look like she never had any training - her energy and excitement take over :)
At home, we like to hang out on the couch and watch tv, sleep, or play with her toys. Sometimes she'll "help" me clean as she loves our vacuum cleaner and will follow wherever it goes around the house. On the weekends we go out of town for a long walk in nature, which she especially enjoys. She's a wonderful companion and brings a lot of joy to everyone she meets!
Venka is an adorable Jack Russell Terrier boy, who is known as the ‘Bart Simpson’ of the dog world. His playful spirit will always find ways to create little messes.
Venka was born in Latvia, lives in Estonia and has many friends in Finland. He is a smart and well-balanced dog who will do everything for cheese - specially Finnish Valio (although any cheese is fine by him - really!). Venka does not like to get a bath nor to wear jackets. When washed, he will get revenge, so when he is still a bit wet he goes to mom’s bed to dry himself, making mama change all the bedsheets.